Jorge Torres Ortega – Graduate Fellow 2010-11

JorgeTorres_Fellow2010The focus of my research is tropical forest restoration as it pertains to private lands. I am trying to understand how forest management at the farm level affects ecological succession. I am also interested in how these site level processes influence tropical conservation at a landscape level; to regional diversity and connectivity among protected areas. I am very excited to participate in the SCWIBLES Fellowship. I look forward to sharing the field research experience with Watsonville High school faculty and bringing part of this back to the classroom. When I was a high school student, we had a reforestation program (in partnership with a local Non-Governmental Organization); the experience of meeting people committed to restoring and protecting native biodiversity motivated many of my classmates to pursue conservation related careers. I am planning on supporting teachers in teaching science, and hope to be able to motivate students to enjoy it as well.JorgeTorres_poster2010_thumb

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