As a Ph.D. student in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department, I study the population dynamics of pearl oysters at Midway Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). Black-lipped pearl oysters (Pinctada margaritifera) were heavily fished in these islands in the late 1920s, and populations have not recovered since then.
To collect my data, I had to do a lot of scuba diving and snorkeling. Now I spend most of my time reading, doing mathematical and genetic analysis of the data, and writing about what I found. For more information on my lab’s research at Midway, check out our Website with blog and photos.
I’m excited to share my enthusiasm for science and my love for the ocean and the organisms that live in it. I also believe it’s important for everyone to understand how we, as humans, impact and interact with the natural world around us. In addition to serving as a SCWIBLES fellow, I am earning a Designated Emphasis in Education and writing a chapter of my dissertation on integrating math into ecology education. As a SCWIBLES fellow, I hope to continue learning from and with WHS students!
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