Native Plant Labels

native plant labelsMaking Labels for Native Plants

by Jenn Yost and Bill Callahan

As described below in tne native plant garden module, one way to protect biodiversity is by restoring degraded habitats to more natural conditions. This process can be simulated at a school by creating a native plant garden. Native plant communities may also be studied in nearby protected areas. One way to expose students to local biodiversity and teach them the importance of biodiversity, is to learn about native plants and create native plant labels.

In this module, students research a native plant in their area and create their own native plant labels. These labels can be laminated and then attached to a stake that can be placed alongside the plant allowing others to identify and learn about local native plants.

Docs: fulltext.docx   intro.pptx   worksheet.docx   labels.doc
Keywords: communication, native plants, plant identification, restoration, school garden

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